
Learn more about Callie Dunham


I have a passion for learning about different ways of living that are deeply rooted in nature and people who have full understanding of the spiritual aspects of human consciousness and our role in working with nature to create happiness, health, and abundance. I have been absorbing knowledge from ancient traditions and indigenous cultures who have never forgotten what it means to live in harmony with nature—learning different ways to optimize the health and state of consciousness within oneself for the benefit of healing the entire world.

There are ancient technologies, systems of beliefs and practices that are still being used in indigenous communities all over the world that are completely hidden from the knowledge of the common westerner. Practices that allow humans to better understand their role on Earth and their ability to be in control of their own health, happiness and fulfillment in life.


What is most interesting to me is the simplicity of their belief systems and practices. The western society has completely over-complicated the purpose of our existence on Earth by prioritizing capitalism and the over-consumption of material items.

We have lost the importance of our connection to mother nature and therefore have been separated from our inner knowing of how to properly harmonize with the natural world around us.

In a world that has been taken over by big corporations and industries that are in control of what we believe and what we consume, we have lost our ability to be in control of the things we are putting in our bodies, how we view the ability of the human consciousness, and the way that we choose to live our lives.

Through the movement towards faster, easier, bigger and better ways of producing food and striving to be in ownership of material items, the overall health of the westerner has declined and there has been a shift in the way that we perceive our ability to be in control of the way that we think and the way that we live our lives.

There has been a huge decline in understanding that we should be in control of the health of our own bodies, the emotional health of our minds, and what we perceive as our reason for living on Earth. A birthright that we have completely given away to the big corporations, food and health industries and the corrupt school systems that are in control of the entirety of our lives.

The indigenous communities from all over the world have never been introduced to this new age systematic way of living and therefore are still living in accordance to the basic beliefs that we are one with nature and we have a very important role of working in coherence with nature so that she can also work for the benefit of all of human life.

This also gives them a very prominent understanding of the human consciousness and the power that we have to be in control of our thoughts, our behaviors, the way that we perceive the world around us, as well as our connection with all of human existence and all of the earth.

Their practices are deeply rooted in strengthening the connection of humans to the natural world around us. Deeply rooted in exploring ways in which we can better understand the role of the plants and animals that are living in harmony with us on the earth for the benefit of healing and working in harmony with all human life.

We need to re-establish our relationship with the natural world around us and use the plants and animals in our surroundings as teachers to help us to better understand the inner workings of the human body, mind and our capacity to feel happiness, love and fulfillment.

Indigenous practices are rooted in ceremony and prayer for the sacredness of our existence on Earth and the sacredness of the existence of Earth itself. Their beliefs seem so simple but they are holding such deep inner knowing of the true meaning of the existence of human life on this planet.


I am on a journey to re-learn and uncover all of the information that has been hidden by the toxicity of the western world. A journey that has allowed me access to some very important practices that have very powerful benefits in restoring the health of my own body and my own mind.

I have been learning ancient technologies, beliefs, and practices such as Yoga, Herbalism, Plant Medicine, Farming, Fermentation, Sacred Ceremony, Prayer, Singing, and Dancing.

These practices have helped me reclaim my power by understanding the inner workings of the human mind and my ability to be in control of my perception of reality as well as my own physical and emotional health.

One of my most prominent beliefs comes from the ancient wisdom of Yoga and states that we each have our individualized purpose on this earth related to the gifts we have been born with within our souls.

This purpose is to serve humanity and raise the collective human consciousness to be in harmony with all life on this earth and beyond - plants, animals, and humans alike.

I firmly believe that it is part of my inner purpose to be of service to humanity by sharing these ways of living and thinking that I have so graciously gotten the honor of encountering and understanding.

I am sharing this wisdom with the hope that I can help restore humans' health, happiness, and fulfillment so that we can all find peace by living in harmony with nature. Helping you return to the most natural form of human existence, which is health, happiness, consciousness, and unity with all life.

I desire to share all of the practices and beliefs I have encountered that have deeply resonated with my soul and completely changed how I view and interact with myself and the world around me.

These practices have completely saved my life and helped me understand my purpose on this Earth.

I live in constant ceremony and celebration of the life that we are gifted. My mission is to share these practices with anyone seeking a deeper understanding of life and a willingness to be in control of how they feel and how they choose to live.


I created WILD & SOVEREIGN to share ancestral practices and indigenous beliefs that will help you find a whole-body, holistic approach to healing that is rooted in deepening your connection to the natural world. My mission is to share ancestral wisdom with the Western society and help the people carrying this wisdom share their traditions. My intention is to help you find a deeper understanding of the potential of your power over your state of being and help you gain access to these ancestral practices that will encourage you to live a life deeply rooted in nature.